Schlagwort: English
Warren Buffett’s advice to the shareholders
From the 2018 letter to the shareholders Our advice? Focus on operating earnings, paying little attention to gains or losses of any variety. It is likely that – over time – Berkshire will be a significant repurchaser of its shares, transactions that will take place at prices above book value but below our estimate of…
Book Review Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke
Winning and loosing are only loose signals of decision quality. Print | eBook Separate outcome quality from decision quality Separate luck from skill Quality of life = Σ of our decision quality + luck “Resulting“ – change the strategy just because a few hands didn’t turn out well in the short run Results are beyond our control…
Book Review – The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga
The psychology of Alfred Adler (1870-1937) – a rival of Freud Print | eBook We determine our own lives according to the meaning we give to past experiences. Takeaway – My notes and quotes from the book This world is astonishing simple and life itself is, too You live in a subjective world that we ourselves…
Book Review – Coherence by Alan Watkins
Print | eBook People don’t buy things because they think they want them, they buy them because they feel they need them. Takeaway – My notes and quotes from the book a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous it’s energy management not time management that will transform results the E-bank – Deposits/Withdrawls – things, situations, people, events…
Book Review – The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco
Crack the code to wealth and live rich for a lifetime! Print | eBook | Audiobook Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful, lest you let other people spend it for you. ~ Carl Sandburg Takeaway…